The White Piglet


There was a white piglet in forest elementary school who loved to play pranks on his classmates. One day, his good friend, the little goat, could bear it no longer and told the piglet, “Piglet, we must be nice to our classmates at school. If you play pranks on others all the time, they will grow to dislike you.”

Hearing this, the piglet grew cross with the little goat, and started to play pranks on the little goat too. He stole the little goat’s lunchbox while the little goat was not looking, making the little goat cry in desperation. The piglet also threw a banana peel on the floor, causing the little goat to slip and fall in front of the rest of the class.

The little goat was so sad, and he told Teacher Deer about it. Teacher Deer told the piglet, “Piglet, when you hear others pointing out what you did wrong, you should humbly reflect upon your behavior, and avoid making the same mistake again. If you continue to play pranks on the little goat, you might end up not having a single friend at all!”

The piglet felt sorry for what he had done, and apologized to all his classmates for playing pranks on them. Then, he told the little goat, “Little goat, you told me to be nice to others. However, not only didn’t I listen to you, but I even played pranks on you too. That was so wrong of me, and I am very sorry.” The little goat happily replied, “Teacher Deer said that, even though you were a little naughty, if you stop playing pranks on others, your classmates will forgive you and begin to treat you as their good friend.”